Presbyterian Agriculture Services

Presbyterian Agricultural Services

Our Services​

Agricultural Advisory Services to farmers/FBOs for crops and livestock

Under this intervention, PAS provide technical support services in the form of capacity building and inputs to small holder farmers/FBOs to improve their production and productive towards enhancing their food and income security.

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Commodity Value Chain Promotion (Crops, Shea and Vegetables)

Under this in thematic area, PAS provides market linkages support to small holder farmer/FBOs to produce and market their products to potential markets based on the value chain approach. Farmer groups capacities are enhanced in good agronomic practices for key crops such as sorghum, soybeans, maize,rice and groundnuts. Also, Sheakernels and sheabutter are processed to quality standards and marketed to potential buyers. Women shea cooperatives are supported with warehouses for the aggregation of their sheakernels and linked to sheakernel aggregators for the supply of quality kernels. Sheabutter processing centres have been built for women groups who are into butter processing for value addition purposes.

Community Advocacy and Gender Mainstreaming

Under this thematic area, PAS facilitate small holder farmers/FBOs to enable them to analyze manifestations of unequal gender and socio- economic relations and to be able to advocate for change in issues that affect their lives.

Improved groundnut field day
Household cook stove built with termite earth

Environment and Climate Change

Under this thematic area, PAS facilitate small holder farmers to adopt good environmental practices aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change. The interventions under this thematic area include tree planting, soil and water conservation management and construction of improved cook stoves.

Consultancy Services

PAS provides wide range of technical expertise in the capacity building for partners in Farmer Based Organisations Development, Business development, Agribusiness, VSLA, Shea Quality, good agronomic development, warehouse construction, sheabutter processing centres and gs, Construction of Warehouses and Sheabutter processing centres and the construction of improved fuel wood cook stoves of all kinds. PAS provides has the capacity to provide these services in any part of the country and beyond any time its services are required

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